Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Monday, June 17, 2013

It is super sweet right now, because after being with an American who talks a lot of English with me, I live in a house that only speaks Portuguese (with the exception of my filho amado Elder Asto who speaks Port-espanol. haha)
Right now I am having to pause and think to translate a few words from Portuguese to English.  When the people in the street speak English phrases to me, it is almost impossible for English words to leave my mouth. They just dont come out!! haha.  The good news is I can still think in English for the most part when I write to you guys :D

So, this week has been a super cool one with various experiences that helped my testimony and love for the work grow.  But first a side note...

Monday morning, my comp and I had returned for the night and were planning.  Our LZs who live in the same house hadnt returned yet.  I got a call from them and they said *Hey come down to the bishops house.  He needs to talk to you.*  We left the house and started descending the hill to get to bishops.  We got there, and it was all dark.  We knocked on the door, it swung open, the lights flicked on, and everyone who was inside (just about half of the ward)  jumped up and screamed *SUPRESO!!!!*  and started singing happy birthday.  It was the coolest thing ever.  It was amazing to see that even though I have such little time in the area, I have such a great ward family.  And there was cake :D

We had our first District Meeting here, and the LD talked about obeying the Lords will and leaving behind our own.  I kept pondering on this topic, and thinking *Será que eu não estou fazendo a vontade do Senhor em cada momento?*  We started working and after a few visits, we were running to our next one.  We were running a little late, and we were speeding down the sidewalk.  We past by an open door and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone sitting in a wheelchair looking out.  It was but a moment, and we continued our speed walking.  I heard a voice tell me *Volta, e fala com ele.* I pleaded in my mind, *Não, estamos atrasados.  Este compromisso que temos é muito importante!  Não temos tempo.*  Then I heard the voice a second time, much stronger, and very firm.  *Não filho, você vai fazer a Minha  vontade.*
we returned and started talking to the man in the wheelchair.  I explained that I didnt know why, but we needed to talk to him.  Turns out he was a recent convert who was having problems and was in need of a visit.  Heavenly Father really knows his children and their necessities., and I am so grateful for the miracle that happened to show me this.

There are other stories that I wish I could tell you, but this is sufficient for right now.  I love you all, and hope the best for you.  I will keep you in my prayers.  

Eu só quero terminar com meu testimunho.  Eu sei que faz tempo de a ultima vez que eu compartilhei.  Por isso, eu peço desculpa.  
Eu sei que Deus vive.  Ele é meu Pai, e Eu sou seu filho.  Eu amo Ele em um jeito que eu não posso explicar nem compreender.  Eu estou aqui, sabendo sobre O Evangelho eterno, servindo Ele, para que os outros filhos Seus possam um dia ter a mesma alegria e felicidade que eu tenho.  Eu sei que fui chamado por um profeta de Deus, Thomas S. Monson.  Este lugar onde eu estou servindo agora, é onde existe as almas que eu posso ajudar. Deus realmente esta preparando os corações das pessoas que ensinamos. Eu vejo milagres cada dia, e busco para ver mais do braço de Deus cada vez mas.  Isso é A Igreja de Jesus Cristo.  Não há um outro.  Ele é nosso Salvador, Redentor, e Irmão.  Eu sei disso.  e Eu compartilho isso com vocês em o nome Dele, Jesus Cristo.  Amem.

Até proxima semana,

Elder Stinnett

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