Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Monday, July 8, 2013

Emanuel was baptized yesterday!!!
It was sincerely a journey.  He passed through so many trials that built his faith, tore him down, and made him really see the importance of relying on the arm of God during this life.  We grew together as friends and ultimately family these past weeks, until he entered into the water 4PM yesterday.  The Spirit was strong as we opened up, and soon arrived the time to enter the font.  We went around back, and just before stepping in, he asked if we could say a prayer.  We bowed our heads, and he started to talk to his Father in Heaven- pleading that if it be His will that he could stay in this church forever.  The Spirit poured down on us and made manifest the presence and approval of Pai Celestial.  With tears of joy brimming in the eyes of each of us, we entered in the water, Elder Asto said the prayer, Emanuel was immerged, and both of us helped his rise up out of the water (He is a BIG guy).  Totalmente molhados, nos abraçamos sabendo o passo que foi feito.  Right now, we are helping his family prepare to be sealed together.  Until today, I have never felt the Spirit so strongly on the mission.  
Eu sou muito grato por o que foi feito durante essas semana passadas.  Eu não tenho jeito monstrar o que me sinto, mas eu sei que foi a mão de Deus que trabalho aqui.  Foi por Ele que encontramos Emanuel, foi por O Espirito Santo que ensinamos, e foi por Jesus Cristo e Sua Expiação que ele recebeu a remissão de seus pecados.  Sendo os instrumentos na obra de Deus é uma honra e eu espero que eu posso ser digno para continuar de fazer isso. (translation: I am very grateful for what was done during these past weeks. I have no way demonstrate what I feel, but I know it was the hand of God to work here. He found that was by Emanuel, was by the Holy Spirit to teach, and it was for Jesus Christ and His Atonement that he received a remission of their sins. Being instruments of God's work is an honor and I hope I can be worthy to continue to do that.)
Amo vocês,
Elder Stinnett

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