General Conference!!!
WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stinking great! Not
quite the same hearing it from the translater in Portuguese, but great just the
same. There are so many great things that you can pick out of every talk.
One of the speakers was bearing his testimony, and said *Ele viveu e
morreu pra nós* or Christ lived and died for us. The way I hear things, I
pay more attention to the last part of sentences. I always knew that
Christ died for us. His suffering was immense and undescribable.
However, I had never quite grasped that He lived for us.
Every single moment of His life was for us. He served everyone
around Him and searched for ways to lift them up. He set such a perfect
example in all things and showed for us the one and only path that leads back
to our Father in Heaven. Wow. I look at me and my life. How
selfish I am! I never once found a verse in the scriptures when Jesus
said *I am tired* or *Im hungry* or *I dont have time to help them,
I have stuff to do*. I realized that and felt so unworthy to wear his
sacred name on my chest. How short I come. But I am grateful for
Him and what I can become. This process of change is long and
stinky and sometimes hurts a little bit, but it is so worth it- because every
step that you walk to become more and more like Christ, your eyes open up a
little bit more, and the world becomes even brighter. Repentance is
indeed one of the greatest blessings that we have.
This week was great.
My son (Elder Ribeiro) and I were able to take part in the baptism of our
pequisador Yuri! This rapaz has had great changes in conduct and has been
able to feel the difference of the gospel in his life. As the only member
of his family right now, he has decided to take it upon himself to be the light
that will guide the rest of his family. He is super excited to be able to
pass and prepare the sacrament and Ive got him convinced that he is serving in
Arizona for his mission (he thinks Ive got connections with President Monson
haha) It was all the more special because his neighbor Marcelo was the
one who introduced him to the church and also the one who baptized him.
It was so awesome to be apart of!
Welp, out of time
Fique firmes e fortes.
Amo vocês!
Elder Stinnett

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