. I am the Lider
de Zona Lider right now and Elder Namanny is my Lider de Zona. They have
pretty much the same responsiblities. We each take care of one district
and combine together to see what are the zone´s necessities.
However, even though we are both zone leaders, all of the sins of the zone fall
on my head. So yah. Im learning to be super humble
really fast. It gives me a little bit of understanding when the prophets
in the book of Mormon told the people that they are helping the people because
if they dont, then their clothes will be stained with the sins of the people-
or even` as in 2 nefi says *For I pray continually for them by day, and mine
eyes water my pillow by night, because of them; and I cry unto my God in faith,
and I know that he will hear my cry* I never really understood before how
mine own actions have such a large effect on the life and the salvation of
others. We really do all have a mission here and if we do not fulfill, we
will certainly be held responsible. I really came to understand the
gratitude I have for the temple yesterday. Even though I am
a missionary- representative of Christ, I can never feel at ease and
rest. During the day, we have goals and projects to complete, and also we
have to vicariously complete the goals and projects of the rest of the zone
through inspiration, divisions, and tough love. Even in the chapel the
feeling is changed. Instead of focusing on the speaker, you focus on the
pesquisador and if he is understanding, and distract them when that old
toot member gets up and starts to bear his testimony about some
profound-doctrine-that-i-have-never-ever-heard-of-before. I miss that
feeling that I have in the celestial room of the temple, so much. More
that home, or on dates, or playing golf, or eating a whole little cesars pizza
on the way home from a date, I miss that room. I pray that God can
build His temple here fast, because this is one of the places that is needing
this peace most.
Elder Namanny is from
California. He spent most of his mission in the mission office, (Speaking
english with the other secretaries) so Im trying to help him get back in the
swing of things- with teaching, and Portuguese, and people skills. It has
been interesting, but I have come to realize, for each of the flaws that I
have seen in him, Ive got 10, so we have been learning together alot. It
will be a good transfer. He is finishing his mission here in 1.5
transfers (He leaves early to go back to school) so we have got to make every
second count!!!
I am not understanding
Rosangela- she saw angels, received an answer of God so strong that she called
us crying, saying God told her to be baptized, she had prayed to find us- and
we made a contact with her,,,,,and we cant find her at home and she doesnt
answer her cell. I dont know why she would be running, but I have a guess
that she heard something about the church and got shaken. We are praying
like Enos for her, and we will go there tonight to see what we can do.
However, God has given us many elects to visit. We visited a family that
our Patriarch pointed out to us. In the end they went from *we are
jewish and I dont like my wife enough to marry her for real* to *Sure, if God
touches my heart I will get married and be baptized in the church of
Christ* haha
An old lady went to
church with us- Silene. We went to visit her Saturday, and we had planned
to read 3 Nefi 11 with her (She has bad sight) and before anything she said, *I
have to tell you about a dream I had 4 years ago.* It was about 3 nefi
11. Christ descended from the heavens in a white robe and showed his
scars to her,and invited her to follow Him. WOW
I just want to say
that even though Im a bit complainer,I am super grateful to be here in the
mission field. I dont know where I would be at spiritually if I didnt
decide to come. Christ has touched my life, and each day I come to know
Him better. I know that this work is true, necessary, and is our responsiblity
as members of the church.
Ill see you all next
Elder Stinnett

some pics with me and Elder Hansen. this is the family
of the patriarch
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