Mom and Dad,
Thanks so much for
your emails. As far as a birthday present, dont
worry about it. Cards would be enough- the Taylor college, car, ipod
savings account is open though :) just kidding. I really am not
missing anything here spiritually or physically- but man when I get home, I
want to get a girlfriend fast. hahaha My comp is going home this next
wednesday (not this one right now). We still havent heard anything
from President Lima on what will happen- but of course, he´s got a lot on his
plate right now. He is in Salt Lake right now with the prophet (He got
called as an area 70 during conference!!!!) Im so proud of him haha.
I wonder how that is going to work out because he still has up until June
to finish his mission. Maybe the new president will come early, or Pres.
Lima will just learn how to do two things at once.
I have been studying
my patriarchal blessing a lot lately. I think I have that habit when the
visible results of the work we are doing dont quite match up with effort that
we are putting in. I decided to traslate it to Portuguese, and as I did,
I gained a whole new outlook on what the Lord expects of me. A lot of
what I discovered was echoed in General Conference, especially the talk of
Elder Uchtdorf when he talked about gratitude. The way that he was able
to explain about how in every trial we can still be thankful- that *we are made
of the stuff of eternity* and that *endings here in mortality really are not
endings at all, but interuptions* really put things in perspective.
President Lima told us in his email to take a moment to look at
ourselves, evaluate our weaknesses and the questions that we have, and then
look for answers in the talks. I got a good 6 topics written, and then I
looked over my notes today, marking every time that what they said answered
what I needed to know- every single one was answered in depth
and exactly what I was searching for-that was right in front of me- but I
couldnt see it. One speaker even quoted my patriarchal blessing.
All of these things combined let me know for sure that these men really
are true prophets of God here on earth. Of that, I have no doubt.
This week I ate Rabada and Caldo
Verde!!! I have been begging the irmãs for a long time to make rabada so
I could try it. It is the tail of a cow and is made with some kind of
green leaves. Cow tails are a LOT thicker than I thought they were.
It was super tasty, full of fat, and I can go ahead and check that one
off my list of weird foods to eat. Now I just have to try dobradinho-
which is some type pig stomach soup. :O Caldo Verde reminds me of
mexican food and is a potatoe soup with sausage and leaves. Delicious!!!
Oh wait before I forget- do you remember Emanuel and Val (from Vila
São Luis)????? They are going to get sealed in
I cant believe it! I am so excited for them. I am so glad
that he was able to stay strong through all his trials and make it to this
Well, Im out of time,
but I love you guys and Im thankful for your prayers!!
Até logo!
Elder Stinnett

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