Tell Tanner congrats
on the call! I heard they have some wicked pink river dolphins in
Ecuador. He will have to send me some pics. Im totally sad that I
will miss him and Spencer. That will be a solid four years without seeing
i know they will be great missionaries. Im still using this cruddy lan
house computer keyboard that sticks a lot and I still have not found the
question dont be too harsh on the grammer. Im english retarded
as it is.

Hey so I got your
birthday package! Weird huh
one took a lot longer. We really enjoyed the peanut butter and
twizlers. The tie was beautiful and I think Im going to save that super
hero shirt until I get home to impress the ladies. Thanks so much!!!!
Speaking of ladies- I am still in shock that Little Sara graduated
already. One day we (me, sara, sammy, conner, adam, madeline) are totally
going to have a statue dedicated to the stinnett family outside of the UH campus

Hey Ive got a
question. How can you make homeade corndogs
think that would be so cool to do for a integration night for the ward
here. #coolamericanfoodstheydonthavehere. We went over to a less
active families house last night and she made cuzcuz amarelo for us. It
kindof tastes like the white part of mexican tamales. I almost
died! I totally miss the mexican refried beans (los compadres!!
mmmmmhmmm) but I am colecting some cool recipes from the members here so
I can make some brasilian food for you guys.

This is one of the
fastest passing transfers in the history of the mission. I really hope we
arent transferred this next week! Today we decided to go to Niteroi to go
see the famous art museum that looks like a satelite dish. It was totally
closed, but we got some cool pics and got to look at the ocean a bit.
(Ill send the pics in a separate email) Area Niteroi is super
beautiful. I get super jealous sometimes that the pretty areas are always
given to the Sisters! oh well, I guess they deserve it.
We are teaching this
really cool girl named Vanessa. She knows someone from ala
Jacarepagua. We had lost contact with her for a while and then finally we
were able to mark a lesson in the chapel. We taught her the plan of
salvation- a very powerful message. She had already been to church a few
times, and told us that she wants to be baptized, but she wants to know more,
and wants to wait to be sure that this is what she really wants to do. We
understood. We also explained a little how the Gift of the Holy Ghost
will help confirm each step she takes after she is baptized. We left her
with the invitation to pray that night, and talk to us in the church the next
day about what she would like to do. When she came to church, we got done
with the block and she came up and said she wanted to talk to us. She
said *I was praying and thinking last night, and I realized that there is no
way for me to know everything before I am baptized, so I want to be baptized
this next Sunday* I probably looked pretty goofy, because I had the
biggest smile on my face hahaha. I am so excited for her. We are
working to prepare everything so that it can all run well.
Sorry, but Im out of
time! Ill talk to you guys next week.
Love you!
Elder Stinnett
Love you!
Elder Stinnett
the satelite thing is
the famous art museum!! the other one has the pão de açucar and the
Cristo waaayyy in the back haha