It was so great to see
you guys yesterday. You all seemed so happy! Cant wait to see you
guys for real in a few months (so that I dont have to rely on a cruddy internet
connection to hear what you are saying haha) It was so cool to see Ollie,
but for some reason when I tell people about him, I keep saying he is my cousin
by accident. Something hasnt quite hit that I am an uncle already
I was also reflecting
the other day about how much things have changed. People moving out of
the house, Maddie is huge, Sammy has kissed boys (just kidding heehee) ,
starting in less than half a year Ive got to get a jump start on the whole
college, job marriage, and family thing :O That and I woke up with
backpain yesterday- I am feeling really old haha Good thing is, is
that this whole change and progress thing is going to go on for eternity.
Isnt that great
keyboard doesnt have a question mark, so please enjoy the emoticon)

So my comp and I
finally got the whole electricity being shut off thing taken care of and got it
turned back on- hurray for warm showers!! I was seriously debating
heating up water on the stove and taking a sponge bath- cold water makes
me sad.
Our zone is
progressing a lot. We have got various baptismal dates with people in the
zone and our missionaries are powerful. Im really grateful
that I can learn from them so that I can be a better missionary while I have
the chance to serve them and help their areas progress. Whatever happens I am seeing miracles happen every day that really lets me know
that the Lord is at the front of this work, and where He is at- that is where I
want to be also.
I want to invite
anyone who reads this email to take the chance to ask God in prayer about
someone that you can serve today.- physically, emotionally, spiritually- and
then afterwards to go search for this opportunity that He will give you.
I know that the life of that person will be effected and your kindness will
make them reflect upon the blessings of the gospel, and you will be enriched as
well. I know this to be true
I love you all, and
pray for you all.
Elder Stinnett
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