Dont worry, you´re not making me trunky-- that just happens on its own hahaha. But dont worry, we are working up a storm over here in Macaé. We have a couple people we are teaching here, but for the most part we are working to construct a teaching group. We are using everything we´ve got, both techniques and Spirit. Up until now, we are not having as much results as we have hoped for. Not anything to get sad about, just means we need to search for ways that we´ve never used before, and try again.
One of the things that I am really happy about is the unity of the zone. We´ve got just about half of the zone in the lan house right now, and we will head over to the chapel afterwards to make some food together. There are a bunch of newbies here, and seeing them makes me want to be a dad again haha. I love training! I just feel like it is wrong to ask the President for a certain position on the mission (I dont want to interfere with revalation, you know) So, for right now, Ill just have to be happy watching them grow as missionaries as a leader, and help their trainers out.
This week, we had a chance to see the ward really come together. There is a really young couple in the ward that was praying and fasting for almost a year so that they could have a baby. Well, she got pregnant, and when we got here, she was almost due. This last week, she had her baby, but she retained a lot of liquid, which went to her lung and she was induced into a coma. She soon fell from an induced coma into a heavy coma. This last Sunday, we learned of her situation and the bishop called everyone together to fast for her. Everyone was really worried that this new child would lose his mom. I had a dream that night that the mom was awoke from her coma and left the intensive care room, and was placed in a normal hospital room. I told my comp when we woke up and we decided to keep it quiet. Two days later, we were talking to a member, and miraculously, it indeed happened. The doctors had no idea why she woke up. She still has to stay in the hospital to get better, but her chances of living have skyrocketed.
This Saturday, we got a call from the bishop again, asking the ward to fast for the people that are sick in the ward. When we got to church on Sunday, we heard bad news. The child had suffered a heart attack and died. We just had Sacrament meeting and then went to eat a quick lunch, to come back to the chapel for a viewing. The dad got up front and started talking how he was grateful for so many people to be there supporting him, especially when he cant even tell his wife what happened, for the fear of her getting worse. When the meeting ended, everyone went more towards the front to console the family members. Up in the front was a tiny little white casket, with the little baby. He looked like a little baby doll. Everyone was crying. I kindof stood there in the behind the bench with a few silent tears rolling down my face.Many bore there testimony of eternal families. He is a returned missionary, he knows families are eternal. I still dont think that stops a loss like that from hurting. I guess that is why in Mosiah, the Lord commands us to cry with those who cry, and comfort those who stand in need of comfort.
Love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Stinnett

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