Hey Everybody!!
This week, we were working a lot on helping our zone get excited. Weve got a few elders that have been in there areas for 9-10 months and are a little dead, but we are seeing a great change take place. We have started the tradition of calling everyone up in the zone on conference call and start our comp study together with a prayer and sharing our studies. It has been a great way to have some more unity and hear some cool experiences from the other elders. I am learning so much from them!
We found a family this week that we are teaching. It is Paulo and Vani with their two sons Hugo and Davi. We were by one of the member´s houses and we decided to knock some doors. Vani attended and she was very kind and invited us to return when the family could be all together to hear. We marked a day and said tchau. As we left, Elder Sea looked at me, and started to ask *Did you feel that?* I did. There was a serene feeling of peace as a confirmation that we were being guided by the Lord to help this family. We returned with the husband of the member that lives close and his son. We got their and everyone was already for us. Waiting in the front room. We taught them the doctrine of Christ, and the member and his son bore their testimonies with power. In the end, everyone had accepted the Savior´s invitation to prepare to be baptized and the husband, with Elder Sea´s help said the closing prayer. They went to church, and loved it. Vani told us afterwards that her sons had declared they want to come back every Sunday forever. She didnt understand it. Every other church they had went to, her sons had complained and whined. She said their is something different here. We taught them later that night the restoration of the gospel, and gave them Books of Mormon to read as a family. The spirit was strong, and the whole family interested. The all agreed that as the receive answers of the Lord that all is true, they will prepare to be baptized on the 7th of December. There is something marvelous about working with families. Maybe it is because their relationship with one another reminds me of my own family, or maybe it is because they are working not just to be baptized, but to become an eternal family. I love it!
Yesterday, President Lima came and spoke at a priesthood session of our stake. It was great! The example was given that we hear every day that there are homicides every day that we see on the news and robbers like crazy. But we dont get afraid until we hear that it happened in our neighborhood. Familes are unwinding and becoming destroyed all around us. we need to be worried and strengthen our ties as families.
Well, Ive got to head, but I hope that you all have a great thanksgiving and Ill see you next week!!
Elder Stinnett

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