This week was way
cool. We had a mission tour with 2 members of the 70. Elder
Gavarret and Elder Cruz. Elder Sea and I even got to have an interview
with Elder Cruz. He lives in our zone in the area of Realengo. He
was talking to us about how for the past year our zone has had some
difficulties with some of the liderança and how we are the missionaries who
were called to put everything back into order. He showed the trust he has
in us and even wants us to go eat dinner with him one night to go discuss
tactics to help this stake have great success. Elder Gavarret is from
Uruguy and has an amazing way of teaching that helps you to pick apart the
scriptures. It is good I have an Argentinan for a comp to help me
practice, because Elder Gavarret´s Latin accent is really thick and
difficult to understand.
The family of Paulo,
Vani, and Hugo and Davi werent able to go to church this Sunday, because they had to travel to a different
city for the day, but Vani and her sons are really wanting to be baptized this Sunday. Paulo is a bit more reserved and
we are working with him to gain his confidence, and help him to see his divine
role as the head of a familiy and how there really doesnt exist another road to
heaven. If you could keep them in your prayers, that would be really
This Sunday,
we had a stake activity - A Present for Christ. It was a musical play
with a fantastic choir, piano, and acting. They told the story of
Christ´s birth and life, and restoration of His church through the stories of
the Book of Mormon. When they told the part about the restoration, they
sang *Oh how lovely was the morning* the first 3 verses and then had me get up
in front of everyone and say the first vision. then they sand the last
verse. It was way cool and the spirit was super strong.
Unfortunately, today
was my day to pass the numbers of the zone online, and so I am out of
time. Sorry, but Ill see you all next week.
Thanks so much for
your prayers and thoughts.
Love you all!
Elder Stinnett

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